Ever wonder why you've recently found yourself getting acne OR you're a long time sufferer of acne? Well the reason behind your acne is ULTIMATELY down to your tiny hair follicles becoming blocked with oil (sebum) or dead skin cells. These hair follicles are also known as your Pores.
Before and After picture of Alicia, She used the following products Ultra Acne Cream , Clarifying Toner + Purifying Face wash. Alicia saw drastic results 7 days after using Ultra Acne cream. It took 1 month of using the trio for her Acne to completely clear.
These annoying blocked pores get down to a lot. So it's important to make sure that you're eating well, drinking lots of water and getting enough rest, as well as building a skincare routine that works for you
What are the Key ingredients to look out for which help in fighting acne?
Salicylic Acid : Removes excess oil (sebum) and decreases the oil production, which helps unclog pores and prevents you from having further breakouts. Salicylic Acid is anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial which benefits acne prone skin and helps kill any acne-causing bacteria.
Glycolic Acid: Promotes the growth of new skin by removing dead skin cells from the top layer of your skin. It also helps in moisturising the skin this is an advantage because many other anti-acne agents like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are drying. Whilst helping in battling acne ,Glycolic Acid will reduce the appearance of acne scars.
Benzoyl Peroxide: Works to treat and prevent acne by killing bacteria underneath the skin, as well as helping the pores shed dead skin cells and excess oil (sebum).
Tea Tree oil: Can help mild to moderate acne breakouts It calms redness, swelling, and inflammation. It may even help to prevent and reduce acne scars, leaving you with smooth, clear skin.
Our Ultra Acne Cream contains both Salicylic and Glycolic acid this powerful combo is essential for assisting in reducing your acne!

- STOP picking your face! Touching / picking your Acne or spots is a big NO. Your hands can carry bacteria which could worsen the acne and develop more breakouts.
- Wash your face, twice daily - it is important to remove excess dirt and oil from the skin by washing regularly. Our purifying acne face wash containing salicylic acid is an excellent cleanser and face wash it removes blemishes, oil and dead skin that can clog your pores.
- Keep facial products clean- Makeup, facial sponges and brushes should be cleaned regularly with soap and water to prevent a buildup of bacteria, which could lead to breakouts.
SUNSCREEN, SUNSCREEN, SUNSCREEN! Being exposed to a lot of sun has plenty of damaging effects on the skin. Sunburn can also lead to an overproduction of oils that make acne worse.
- Skincare Routine- Having a skincare routine can help prevent acne, treat skin related issues, and keep your skin looking its best.
It is important to have quality acne skin care products. As poor quality products will give you ineffective results, infections, worsen skin by causing breakouts and clogging pores.
SivalSkin provides the highest quality skin care products, with the best quality ingredients to ensure products are effective on your skin. Our products give you results for the money. Using ineffective products are a waste of your money!
And with that said, its time for you to keep your skin looking and feeling amazing for years to come! Shop SivalSkin Acne products. Oh, and I have a special code to save you some money Use code Clear20 at checkout, for 20% off all acne products.